Route 60 will be on detour starting Monday, Feb. 5 and Feb. 6 due the closure of Golf Club Rd. and 21st Ave. for sewer line installation. Outbound Route 60 buses will end their trips at the Lacey Transit Center where passengers will need to disembark and board a shuttle vehicle to continue their inbound trip on Route 60 to Panorama.

During the detour, the following stops served by outbound Route 60, on Golf Club Rd., will be missed:

Stop #478, Golf Club Rd. at 16th Ave. [sb]
Stop #507, Golf Club Rd., Community Garden [sb]
Stop #477, Golf Club Rd. at 19th Ave. [sb]
Stop #904, Golf Club Rd. at 21st Ave. [sb]

We apologize for the inconvenience. Please call Customer Service at 360-786-1881 with questions or for service information. 

Detour Map